• 17 Examples of Work Goals That Will Boost your Career

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    Image: Andrea Piacquadio

    What do you really want out of your professional life? Better time management? Increased revenue? A greater public profile? Setting work goals is one of the most important ways to help you achieve your short, medium and long-term objectives. They can help you stay focused and motivated, providing you with a roadmap that guides you on the decisions you make and the actions you take.

    A lot of the theory around setting goals comes from the work of American psychologist Edwin Locke. Together with his colleague, Gary Latham, Locke developed Goal-Setting Theory, which laid the foundation for understanding the significance of setting specific and challenging goals. If done effectively, Locke and Latham found, setting goals helps to enhance motivation and boost performance.

    In the workplace, having clear goals can help to instill a sense of purpose and determination. It can encourage you to eliminate the distractions that pull you away from your vision. And to invest in the habits and activities that help you achieve it. Time management is a critical part of this process. It’s important you know exactly how you’re spending your time and whether you’re using the hours available to you effectively.

    Here, we define work goals. Provide a practical guide on how to set them. Offer 17 work goals examples you might find useful. And demonstrate how using an automatic time tracking tool like Timing will fuel your success.

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  • Task Batching: Simplify Your Schedule and Increase Productivity

    task batchingImage: Generated with Dall-E

    How productive are you?

    Whether you’re billing your clients hourly or per project, your lack of focus affects your bottom line.

    That’s why it’s worth finding a productivity method that can help you bypass endless distractions and create room for more billable hours in your schedule.

    That’s exactly what task batching can do for you.

    If it’s a good fit for your work style, this simple productivity method can improve your focus, change your approach to to-do lists, and reduce your stress levels.

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  • The 11 Best Time Tracking Apps for Mac: A Comprehensive Market Overview

    mac time tracking apps overview with all app iconsBackground image: César Couto; Icons: respective app developers

    Do you really know how you spend your time? As you look back on a project you’ve just completed, did it take you the three hours you think it did, or was it probably two, plus an hour of responding to emails? The only way to know for sure is to track your time by using one of the eleven best Mac time tracking apps we’ve identified below.

    Choosing the app that’s right for you depends on what you need — every app is slightly different. While some tally your activities automatically, carefully keeping track of which web pages and documents spend the most time on, others allow you to log your time manually. Some are ideally suited for freelancers and small businesses, while others are tailored to larger companies.

    Read the rest of this buyer’s guide for an overview of the entire Mac time tracker market in 2024!

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  • The Flowtime Technique: Find Your Flow for a More Productive and Enjoyable Workday

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    Image: Andrea Piacquadio

    Have you ever felt so immersed in a task, so wholly focused, that the minutes slip by unnoticed? Rather than watching the clock, anxious that you’re not working as productively as you should, or eagerly anticipating your next break, you simply lose yourself in your work? The world around you disappears. The project you’re working on is all there is. Now, what if there was a time management strategy that helped you lean into this state of flow? Enter the Flowtime technique.

    The Flowtime technique encourages you to get in the flow. It’s all about working in a deep, focused way, and taking breaks when your body and mind give you the necessary cues, rather than at specific intervals. It’s also known as the “Flowmodoro” because it’s related to the Pomodoro technique, though it differs in some important ways.

    Here, we’ll discuss what Flowtime is all about, compare it to the Pomodoro technique, and offer a step-by-step guide on how to implement it into your daily life to improve your productivity and work satisfaction.

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  • Work Journal: What It Is and Why You Should Keep One

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    Image: Generated with Dall-E

    A work journal is the secret one-two punch of time management tools. It can help you uncover inefficiencies, boost your productivity, and give you a data-driven blueprint for your career growth.

    At its core, a work journal serves as your personal log for daily work activities, achievements, and observations.

    But it’s more than just a list of tasks.

    It’s a straightforward method to document your progress, reflect on your experiences, and spot opportunities you might otherwise miss.

    Dedicating a little time to your work journal each day can become a powerful habit that can give you a leg up in your career.

    With a variety of approaches to choose from, keeping a work journal is a flexible practice that can fit anyone’s style and work routine.

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  • How a Block Schedule Can Improve Your Focus, Productivity and Work Satisfaction

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    Image: fauxels

    In our working lives, time reigns supreme. We’re governed by our priorities and by what we can reasonably accomplish on any given day. But working to the best of our ability with the time available to us doesn’t happen by chance. Instead, we need to have an effective time management technique in place if we’re going to maximize every hour and minute. One of the most productive solutions available is the block schedule.

    Block scheduling involves dividing your day into broad but distinct blocks of time. Each of these blocks is then dedicated to certain types of tasks. The idea is that, rather than multitasking or haphazardly jumping between projects, you allocate dedicated time to different responsibilities. This helps you stay focused, boosts your productivity, and improves your work satisfaction.

    While block scheduling is similar to time blocking, there are some important differences — we’ll explore these in a minute.

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  • Time Tracking for Consultants: Pro Tips and Top Apps in 2024

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    Image: Bruce Mars

    As a consultant, you know the value of time. The hours and minutes you have available to you likely influence what you prioritize, what you’re able to accomplish, and probably what you earn, too. But even if you know how important your time is, are you accurately tracking how you spend it? The best way to go about this is with consultant time tracking software.

    While it’s possible to monitor your time manually by jotting down how much time you spend on each job on a notepad or spreadsheet, this is a notoriously unreliable method. Especially in consultancy work, which tends to involve juggling multiple projects and tasks simultaneously. Are you sure you only spent an hour on a particular client? Did you do anything else in between? Can you reliably use this data to inform your quotes and invoices?

    Automatic time tracking for consultants, on the other hand, gives you access to detailed, accurate information you can trust. This helps you to boost your productivity, manage your work-life balance, and improve your bottom line. Let’s explore how it works.

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  • Top Invoicing Software for Mac: Reviews, Ratings and Tips for the Best Tools in 2024

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    Image: Generated with Dall-E

    Finding the right invoicing software for Mac isn’t a minor detail; it’s a crucial step in streamlining your business operations. It can boost productivity, automate workflows, and help you get paid faster.

    Mac users understand the importance of having software that’s as efficient and user-friendly as their devices. Ideally, that also means that these tools are implemented as native Mac apps tailored to the macOS interface rather than web apps that look out of place on your Mac.

    So we’ve tried to focus on apps that are “good citizens” on macOS, such as GrandTotal whose menus and keyboard shortcuts are based on the intuitive ergonomics of macOS and fit seamlessly into your workflow. We have also included a few other market-leading options to provide a broad selection of options for you to choose from.

    The right invoicing app must be easy to use, integrate smoothly with other tools, offer value for money, and be customizable to suit your unique business needs.

    To help you out, we’ve rounded up the best software options that tap into what Mac users want and need. Whether you’re looking for seamless integration, top-notch customization, or a straightforward, no-nonsense invoicing process, we’ve got you covered.

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  • The 14 Best Mac Productivity Apps in 2024

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    Image: Generated with Dall-E

    As a Mac user, you’re most likely someone who is tech-savvy, quality-conscious and demands high-performance.

    With the rising demands of efficiency, remote work and task management, choosing the best productivity apps for Mac is a crucial step in optimizing your workflow for success as well as the macOS integration.


    You want these apps to feel like a native Mac app.

    MacOS apps take full advantage of the system’s capabilities. You get more stability, better performance, and an unparalleled user experience built on Apple’s tried and true frameworks.

    With the Mac productivity app ecosystem flourishing, it’s easier than ever to build a tech stack that can supercharge your productivity.

    It means we have an abundance of top-quality native macOS apps with innovative features like Timing’s automatic call tracking and Screen Time tracking across your devices or BetterTouchTool’s Mac window management. You also have the ability to customize apps to fit your workflows and the same intuitive, clean design that’s in line with Apple’s aesthetic.

    To help you sort through the options available, here’s a list of the best productivity apps for Mac to boost your efficiency.

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  • Time Tracking Software for Small Business: The Ultimate Guide

    time tracking software for small businessImage: DISRUPTIVO

    If time is money for your business, then your profitability and success depend on you being able to account for the hours and minutes of your day. Where does your time go? Are you working efficiently? Are you estimating the time you spend on your projects accurately? You’ll only know these answers for sure if you’re using time tracking software for small business.

    Time tracking software can help you improve your focus and boost your productivity. Allocate work effectively. Quote and invoice accurately. And it can help your business scale and grow. As a small business, optimizing these metrics is critical. In many instances, it can be the very thing between failure and success.

    Here, we answer some of your most important questions about finding the right time tracking software for your small business. We’ll take a look at why time tracking matters in the first place. How to choose the right option. And what key features you should look out for. We also recommend five solutions you should consider.

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